Increasing Daylight as Winter Wains

As we near the end of the cold season, I discuss our ever-lengthening daylight and the subsequent reduction of my SAD symptoms.


This week will see another of my favorite days of the year…the first day of the new year that the sun will stay up till 5 pm at our house!  The daylight is screaming back now! 😎 (The Black Hills sit between the Trekkers’ house and the western horizon, so we have to wait a little further into the year for this to actually happen.)

Improved SAD symptoms

I’ve mentioned previously that I struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in the winter months.  The past few years, my SAD symptoms haven’t been quite as severe as I’ve experienced in the past.  This could be due to several factors:

–We’ve had fairly warm, mild, and sunny winters…

–We’ve learned to leave just a few Christmas lights up inside the house all winter, and we got a gas, fire insert installed. The warm light from these do wonders to improve my mood…

–Due to some other medical stuff I’ve got going on, about a year-and-a-half ago I started a regimen of 10,000 IUs/day of Vitamin D3.  To be clear…that’s A LOT!  But it’s done more to help minimize my symptoms of depression in the winter than anything else I’ve ever tried…

People talk about taking anti-anxiety medication or low-dose antidepressants and how these meds are miracles that literally seem to change the way they think or view a situation….well, I’m happy if that works for you but I’ve never experienced it.  Not until I upped my dosage of Vitamin D.  That truly has been a life-changer for me!

–Working from home makes it easier.  I think the biggest advantage of working from home is that it allows me the opportunity to see daylight so regularly.  Whether it’s sitting inside with the sun streaming in the windows; watching the snowflakes float down on a cold day; or sitting outside on the back patio as the sun bathes me on a warm day; I’m at least able to experience it now.  This seems to make all the difference to help ease the symptoms of anxiety and winter depression that I have experienced in the past, and for that, I am incredibly grateful…

Desert scrubbrush and brown grass run to a silhouette of the mountain in the background. An orange sunset creates a backdrop, all under a clear, blue sky marked by jet contrails.

More daylight improves mood!

It’s amazing to me how just knowing the days are getting longer raises my spirits.  While we have gained almost an hour of daylight in the last 6 weeks since the Winter Solstice, it is still mostly dark by 5:30 at night.  There is something about the fact, though, that when I’m standing in the kitchen, preparing dinner, instead of there being complete blackness outside the window, there is–at least a small hint–of light.  That really improves my outlook on things!  

I still feel the suffocating frustration at how little daylight we have, but since I KNOW it’s going to continue staying lighter, longer, each and every day, and I KNOW that the beginning of spring is now only a few weeks away, this irritation slackens.  It also helps that I know our daylight will continue lengthening for the next 6 months!  That’s enough to ease the ache considerably!  

As our long, dark days wane, I hope anyone else who wrestles with this exasperating condition is finding their struggle is easing, as well.  As our sun comes back and our daylight continues to increase in both duration and frequency, let’s all take a lesson from the Beatles, and get out there and make it a good day, sunshine! 😎

Are you enjoying our longer days?  Tell me your thoughts in the comments!


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Desert scrubbrush and brown grass run to a silhouette of the mountain in the background. An orange sunset creates a backdrop, all under a clear, blue sky marked by jet contrails. Pin reads, "Increasing Daylight as Winter Wains."


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Wired to Eat (A Book Review)

In this post, I review a book that will factor into one of the Trekkers’ goals for 2019, eating fewer carbs.


This “gear review” is a bit different…  

Thinking of jumping on the Keto or Paleo bandwagons?

Mr. Trekker and I tried out a low-carb diet one year!  I know these fad diets can be controversial, so let me just say upfront, I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or even a scientist (does being married to one count?)  I don’t play any of these on TV and I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. 😉 

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, however, I am a big fan of natural and behavior-based methods to mitigate (or help prevent) health problems, when possible.  So, I’m interested in a diet that doesn’t require any special pills, food, or shakes and isn’t difficult (though it does require some self-control).  

Below is a listing of posts I wrote regarding how I felt throughout this experiment (was I hungry?  Did my energy levels stay high?  Did I feel good?  Did I notice changes–good or bad–to things like my cholesterol levels?  Did I lose weight?)  This won’t interest everyone, and that’s fine.  I’m a curious person and this is something I found intriguing, so I wanted to try it and see what results I noticed if any.  It’s always fun to use your body as a bit of a guinea pig for science, right? 😉  To be clear though, I’m not trying to imply this diet is healthier than other options out there or that it is best for every person.    

“Wired to Eat”

I went more in-depth on the Trekkers’ personal experiences–successes and failures–in the other posts listed below.  For now, if you’re interested in the subject, a book I would suggest is Wired to Eat.†  Mr. Trekker learned of it via a podcast, so we both read it and found it useful.  It’s actually a sequel to another on the Paleo diet (which we haven’t read).  

There are numerous books available regarding these lifestyle choices, but I found this one to be well-written and easy to understand.  It outlines the ideas simply and keeps them interesting to the lay reader.  I especially like that it describes ways to tweak the diet for each, individual person based on their own, body chemistry, and it encourages you to listen to your body regarding what foods are right for your individual makeup.    

Modern diets contain too much glucose

The basic idea behind the Paleo and Keto diets revolves around glucose, namely, that we aren’t evolutionarily designed to process as much of the chemical as the typical Western diet provides.  The resulting effect is inflammation throughout the body; glucose sensitivity leading to diabetes; and a whole host of auto-immune issues, including diseases ranging from rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease to cancer.

The goal of the Paleo and Keto diets is to get back to eating the way our Paleolithic ancestors did (a diet with little gluten as agriculture hadn’t been invented yet) so our food intake matches what evolution has prepared us for, bringing everything back into balance.  We do this by retraining our body to burn fat and protein rather than carbohydrates (sugar/glucose) as fuel.  

As I mentioned previously, I am aware the factuality of these claims is up for debate, but one thing I do like about these nutritional theories is that they encourage clean eating.  I don’t think anyone can argue with the concept that a diet composed mostly of fruits and vegetables, with –preferably, lean–protein thrown in, that discourages unhealthy fats, sugars, and preservatives, is a bad idea for anyone.  

I also like the idea of personalized nutrition instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.  The book outlines a process for determining which carbs are beneficial for each, individual person.  It also, briefly, discusses fasting–something I dabbled with minimally–and offers recipes that are friendly to the two, specialized diets.     

So if you’re interested, click the link above and check out the book.  Check out the posts listed below to see how the Trekkers’ attempt at a low-carb life went!

Related posts:  Low-carb Lent; Yummy Keto-friendly recipes!Final Thoughts on Low-Carb LentA Sustainable Low-carb LifestyleMy Lenten Fast

Have you read this book?  What did you think?  Tell me about it in the comments!


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A book titled, "Wired to Eat" sits on a table.


†As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Enjoying the Winter Solstice

In this post, I discuss my excitement for the shortest day of the year. We have made it to the Winter Solstice!


🎵 It’s the most…wonderful…DAY…of the year!!! 🎶   You might be thinking I’m talking about Christmas, right?…you would be wrong! 😉  Today is the Winter Solstice ya’ll! (…in the Northern Hemisphere.)  It is one of my ABSOLUTE, MOST FAVORITE days of the entire year!

You may ask yourself, “Self, why would someone who struggles with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) be happy about the day of the year with the shortest amount of daylight?”  That’s simple!  Starting tomorrow…THE DAYS START GETTING LONGER AGAIN!!!  WHOO HOO!!!  WE MADE IT!!! 🌞  We did it!  We survived!

Less sunlight in the winter

It never ceases to amaze me, the first of November arrives and the time change hits, and every year it feels like it will be an ETERNITY until the days start getting longer again.  But then you slowly plod through the first week…and then the second…and then it’s the week before Thanksgiving (so things are starting to perk up a bit, I always enjoy Thanksgiving!)…and then the Christmas season is in full swing!  Between decorating the house, shopping for gifts, and singing carols, who has time to feel down?  Then before you know it, the Solstice is here again (and it usually arrives more quickly than I expected!)

The first few weeks of January are always a bit rough, as well.  Everybody takes their Christmas lights down, so their twinkling goodness is no longer present to light up those long, dark nights…the joy of the Christmas season is over, and now you’re just stuck with the COLD! 😨  But, at least the days start getting longer by that point…and the first day it’s still reasonably light out at 5 pm, you know you’ve conquered another LONG, DARK season. 💪

The history of the Winter Solstice

December 21…the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere)…the longest night of the year.  It’s also called “Midwinter” (which seems odd, since winter is just ramping up, and, according to the astronomical calendar, today is only the initial day of the cold season).  

Science confirms the Winter Solstice occurs when the sun reaches its most southerly point, directly over the Tropic of Capricorn.  This is as opposed to its summer counterpart—the Summer Solstice–which is when the sun reaches its most northerly point and is directly over the Tropic of Cancer. (If you’re living in the Southern Hemisphere, the solstices are, obviously, switched).

Historically, the Iranians called the Winter Solstice “Yalda Night“; the Druids, “Yule“, “Mother Night” and “Alban Arthan” meaning, “The Light of Arthur” (based on the legend of King Arthur).  A ceremony commemorating this day is still held at Stonehenge each year. 

The ancient Mayans believed in offering blood sacrifices to the sun god to placate him into returning his light to the people.  Fortunately, we don’t take things to that extreme these days (though in the darkest days of winter, I may have considered pricking a finger or something. 😝)

The dictionary defines “solstice” as, “a furthest, or culminating point, a turning point.”  The word derived from Latin is loosely translated as “the sun stands still”. 

Interestingly enough (according to one of my favorite apps) the shortest amount of daylight doesn’t take place only today, it also occurs for several days surrounding the Solstice.  This makes sense as the sun’s southward track has to stop and then reverse itself.  

I LOVE the Winter Solstice!

Today is, by far, one of my favorite days of the entire year!  It may seem strange, for someone who struggles with depression caused by lack of daylight, to be so excited about the day of the year that offers the least light.  But that’s why it’s worth celebrating…we’ve made it!  We’re no longer toiling to reach the end of a long, dark tunnel (as daylight wanes).  Starting tomorrow, we’re basking in the warm glow of the light at the end of that tunnel (as the days will now begin to grow longer).  

This is what negotiating a life with anxiety and depression looks like.  It’s all about successfully mitigating the symptoms of these disorders by seeking out the small blips of “light”–whatever gives us a sense of peace and happiness–that are always present, even in the darkest moments.  

In case you were wondering, yes, I find the Summer Solsticeor the day with the longest amount of daylightto be a bit depressing. The reason being, after that day we begin our prolonged trek into darkness.  

So get out there and enjoy our ever-increasing amounts of daylight!  To our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, you have my sympathies today, as you now commence your long slog to “the Shortest Day”…but, we’ve obliged you all long enough, we’re taking our daylight back!  It’s our turn to enjoy the light because…


Do you have any feelings regarding the shortest day of the year?  Tell me about them in the comments! 


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Silhouette of a person standing on a hill with the sun shinning through fog behind. Pin reads, "Enjoying the Winter Solstice."


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Be Mindful Towards all Holidays Celebrated this Season

In this post, I discuss the friction among traditions that seems to rear its ugly head this time of year, and our need to get back to what really matters during the holiday season.


Editor’s Note:  This post is full of holiday allusions.  Gird yourselves, I’m not sorry. 🎅 😇 😉

There are so many different holiday traditions that occur this time of year.  I was raised Christian, and in the US, so Christmas is the one I identify with the strongest.  Besides this major holiday, some of the other more popular ones are Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, of course.  But there is also Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and some Pagan celebrations, like Yule (the Winter Solstice), among others. 

It’s important that we strive to be mindful of all holidays celebrated this season.  This time of year I find I’m filled with thoughts of good cheer and well-being toward my fellow man. (I blame all the kum-ba-yah type themes we’re bombarded with in songs and movies that tell us we’re supposed to “keep Christmas with us, all through the year.” 😊).

–There is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra song about the Runaway who makes a wish on an old neon sign–which represents the Christmas Star–because she needs help getting home.  Then, an angel–disguised as a kid, who God sent to Earth to search for one sign of decency in humans–goes into a bar and tells the bartender the Runaway is outside and can’t get home (and it’s Christmas Eve).  So, this cranky, old bartender takes all the profits he’s made that night and gives the money to the Runaway so she can buy a plane ticket and go home. (And, if anyone can listen to THAT song without getting at least a little teary, your heart may be two sizes too small! 😝)  

–Then there is the warmth you feel when you watch old Christmas movies or hear songs about the holidays; the feeling that wakes up the 5-year-old in you who still believes in magic. That’s what this season is supposed to be about!

The holidays cause angst

Unfortunately, even this special time of year causes us angst these days.  The season has become so commercialized that I worry we miss the true point of it.  People actually cause physical harm to each other to get things!  Stupid things, like toys.  Not life-saving food or medicine, THINGS that will collect dust in the corner of a kid’s bedroom once the batteries wear out. 😩    

It’s hard to remember the true purpose intended by these days in amongst all the parties and concerts; Secret Santas and gift-giving (and buying); and travel/visits from family and friends.  That craziness just adds to our already over-hectic, modern lives

Disrespect towards unfamiliar holidays

We are taught to “love thy neighbor”, but then there is the annual battle about “Merry Christmas” vs. “Happy Holidays”; there are manger scenes vs. menorahs; and, we can’t forget, the 12 Days of Christmas, 8 nights of Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa!  Where does the tree and Santa fit into all that?  All these traditions are supposed to help bring out the best in us and they just end up causing us more strife.  

I tend to gravitate towards saying “Happy Holidays” because it best encompasses all the activities occurring this season (including Thanksgiving!)  That is until we get to the week of Christmas.  Then I go full bore and EVERYONE gets a “Merry Christmas!” from me. (I even wear a Santa hat that week, and put those cute reindeer antlers on my car…still not sorry! 🤶😉) 

A short history of Christmas’ origins

History tells us that the pre-Christian Romans celebrated several high, holy days this time of year.  This includes Saturnalia, which honored the god Saturn and another that honored their sun god.  Evidently, when they converted to Christianity, some elements of familiar traditions stuck.  My point is, if our forebears can figure out how to handle this mash of cultures, traditions, and religions, we should be able to as well.  

So, light a menorah (or a kinara); put a star on your tree; compliment your neighbor on his nativity scene; put out some milk and cookies for Santa, and find ways to connect with each other in this “Season of Giving”.  Let’s try to keep that spirit of Good Will with us throughout the rest of the year as well, shall we?  

To close I ask you, why can’t we put our differences aside this special time of year and all be friends?  After all, isn’t that what the holidays are supposed to be about?    

Tell me about some of your special holiday traditions in the comments!


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A footpath in the snow leads through leafless trees, all under a clear, blue sky. Pin reads, "Be mindful towards all holidays celebrated this season"


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A Trekker’s Manifesto

In this post I discuss my motivations for writing this blog.


“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.”        

― John Muir

Some may wonder why I write this blog…

One of my favorite songs is “Noise”, by Kenny Chesney.  For me, it’s a rallying cry, of sorts, as it well expresses my growing disillusionment with the rat race that is the modern lifestyle.  I firmly believe one of the central problems with modern society is that we are constantly overstimulated with busy lives, busy minds, and busy spirits.  

The song demonstrates how this “noise” that continuously engulfs us makes us miserable.  It is inescapable and unending.  My personal belief is this overstimulation contributes to the anxiety so many feel.  I know, for myself, the anxious symptoms I experience peak when my life feels the most hectic. 

Some lyrics from the song state:

“…Yeah we scream, yeah we shout ’til we don’t have a voice.  In the streets, in the crowds, it ain’t nothing but noise…”

We’re constantly pulled in multiple directions at once:  relationships, chores, work and school, hobbies, attempting-to-find-some-time-to-just-relax! 

“Twenty-four hour television, gets so loud that no one listens…”

In addition, we’re persistently bombarded by 24-hour news cycles, streaming music, and video, our sources of stimulation continue on ad-nauseum…. I can feel my blood pressure rising just THINKING about all of this! 🤯  

Articles are written about the burnout people feel.  How they are striving to “unplug”, to have a better work-life balance, to take back control of their lives.  But then, they’re told to “lean in” and live “well-rounded” lives…

 “There really ain’t no conversation, ain’t nothing left to the imagination…”

From an early age, we’re exposed to so much technology that our creativity is squashed.  Children used to spend hours playing outside, but now their days are filled with activities structured by others and devices that tell them what a game is and how to play it.  We don’t think for ourselves anymore or take a step back and critically examine situations.  Instead, we allow ourselves to be influenced and pressured by what our friends are “liking” on social media, or what our trusted news source is telling us is a fact. 

“…trapped in our phones and we can’t make it stop…”

We’re all adrenaline junkies running around constantly stimulated by the technology that continuously surrounds us.  This stimulation is so persistent that when we have to go more than 30 minutes without the dopamine hits it provides we get anxious and think we’re bored—even though that’s what life is supposed to normally feel like—we just aren’t used to it.  Our phones chirp mercilessly, constantly giving us the recognition we’ve come to crave as it means that someone “liked” our post or tweet, or is trying to contact us so we don’t feel so small and alone…

*This may seem contradictory for a blogger; whose job is dependent on the use of technology.  To be clear, I’m not anti-technology, I’m pro the purposeful and controlled use of it.  It’s a tool that should be used deliberately and within limits, without allowing it to control our lives.*

I write for my love of the outdoors…

“Sometimes I wonder, how did we get here?  …we didn’t turn it on, but we can’t turn it off…

A woman and hiking gear sits on a rocky ledge, overlooking a lake that is surrounded by tree-covered mountains, all under a blue sky.

We’re constantly surrounded by all this “noise” but we haven’t yet evolved to handle it, and I don’t think we are meant to.  We weren’t designed for the modern-day lifestyle.  Evolution didn’t prepare us for this craziness, because it isn’t a natural thing.  We’re meant to be surrounded by the peace and tranquility that nature brings: the perfectly formed snowflake; the sound of chirping birds and the whistling wind; the silent clamor of snow falling in the woods; the pitter-patter of rain against the window and the “CRASH!” of thunder outside.  We’re meant to feel the sun warm our skin as the wind caresses our face and to smell the fresh, earthy aroma of wet dirt that a fresh rain brings. 

I’m an avid Nature Girl.  I enjoy pretty much any activity that gives me an excuse to be outside.  I’m also high energy (in case that isn’t obvious). 😉  I like the outdoors, active hobbies and I find walls induce claustrophobia.  I grew up as a country-girl, playing in the dirt and fresh air, so, outdoor recreation is a perfect hobby for me. 

This love of nature brings me peace by enjoying the beauty and simplicity of the environment that surrounds us.  Many people find comfort in these things and I think there’s a reason for that, it’s our intended habitat.  It’s where we’re supposed to be, so, we connect with it on a basic, transcendent level.  The most instinctual part of our being longs for it.  I feel my spirit is renewed by nature, so I want to use this blog to encourage others to enjoy this incredible experience, as well.  

For me, this peace is also spiritual, in a sense.  Not everyone agrees with this, and that’s ok, religion is a very personal journey, and everyone has to choose what’s best for them.  I feel my life is richer and I find hope in despairing situations when I embrace the spiritual side of life.  Experiencing nature aids my spiritual journey as it helps me to form a tangible connection to the Creator, by communing with the extraordinary creation.

I’ve enjoyed being out in nature since I was a kid, I especially love the mountains.  I still remember the instant I fell in love with them.  Mr. Trekker and I were enjoying our first road trip together, in 2005, shortly after we both graduated college.  We were at Mesa Verde National Park, standing at one of the lookouts on top of the mesa, with the whole of Colorado stretching before us (maybe THAT’s why I love the state so much?!) 😉  

I remember thinking, “I could live here”, and feeling a connection to the mountains, on a visceral level.  At the time, the Trekkers were preparing to move to North Carolina.  Until then, I had only ever lived in Indiana, this was my first time experiencing the Rockies.  I had visited the Appalachians throughout Pennsylvania and New England on numerous family vacations and had always enjoyed the mountain scenery, but this time, something struck a chord within me… 

It would be six years before we returned to the mountain west, this time to stay.  We’d had enough of the big city, and after numerous adventures in the mountains of western North Carolina, we were hooked on our outdoor activities.  The Black Hills aren’t quite the Rockies, but the smaller towns and simpler way of life—not to mention the frequently beautiful weather—suit me just fine.

I write to describe my struggle with anxiety and (hopefully) to help others who are struggling…

When we moved to South Dakota, I started experiencing frequent symptoms of anxiety.  To make matters worse, I also began noticing depressive symptoms due to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), thanks to the minimal hours of sunlight–and the resulting Vitamin D deficiency—present in the Northern Plains during the winter.  I set out on a mission to learn methods to alleviate the symptoms I was experiencing, so I began working with a therapist. 

For some, anti-anxiety medications work wonders.  For myself, I hated the woozy, detached feeling I experienced as a side-effect, so I sought out natural and behavior-based methods as an alternative. I have found that by taking a step back from the continuous “noise” of our modern lifestyle, through pursuing outdoor adventures, and by employing intentional methods such as mindfulness, I am able to effectively manage the condition. 

Besides the obvious benefit of a flood of endorphins brought on by physical exercise, I think experiencing nature helps to decrease anxiety symptoms because it has a tendency to test our resolve.  It’s an incredibly humbling–and somewhat frightening—experience when you find yourself at a different location on the trail than you originally thought, and you realize how far you still have to go as the sun sinks ever lower towards the horizon.  Your concern is heightened as the cold wind intensifies, and dark clouds close in.  You come to the very sobering realization that you are at the mercy of Mother Nature and her elements. 

This is a moment where anxiety is truly warranted!  But, it’s also an incredibly empowering moment.  You realize that you’re reliant on your own devices, that your ability to get home rests squarely on your own shoulders…and you CAN do this!  It’s liberating when you do, eventually, make it home safely.  The feat raises your confidence level as you now know that you are capable, and you can handle the challenges life throws at your feet.  It helps you to realize how powerful your inner strength really is!  

I think we often forget that anxiety can be a useful tool.  It’s a natural, beneficial response to an element in our environment that’s posing a risk to us.  But it should be reserved for situations where our safety is actually at risk. Unfortunately, these aren’t the situations that often cause anxiety in modern times.  

Oftentimes, “modern” stress stems from situations that are, frequently, not threatening at all.  As I had a therapist once explain it, “your body doesn’t know the difference between being called into a meeting in your boss’ office and being chased by a saber-toothed tiger!  It responds the same.”  “Good” stress situations (such as finding yourself lost on a trail) help to keep anxious feelings in perspective.  They help us to realize that some circumstances unnecessarily induce anxiety within us.

Beyond personal empowerment, basking in the awesome power of nature helps to remind us that we aren’t the center of the universe. It’s humbling (and relieving) to experience that power overshadows many of our worries, and it helps us to realize that many of them aren’t as unique or catastrophic as we think they are.  What is an impending root canal in comparison to the immense “ROAR!” created as millions of gallons of water pour over a waterfall every day?  Or when you observe the natural forces required to create locations such as the Grand Canyon?

I write for my quest for a more tranquil lifestyle…

“Every room, every house, every shade of noise.  All the floors, all the walls, they all shake with noise.  We can’t sleep, we can’t think, can’t escape the noise, we can’t take the noise so we just make noise!”  

A pristine, mirror-like lake surface reflects the green mountains that surround and tower over it. All under a clear, blue sky.

We were all dropped into this technological soup that we aren’t equipped to handle.  To mitigate the stress brought on by our modern lifestyles, we seek out more stimulation (or noise), when what we really need is rest!  We get worked up from the constant information and news, we worry about our friends and family, about the state of the world.  Then, due to all this, we struggle to sleep at night which just leads to exhaustion, more stress, more anxiety, and depression…WE NEED A BREAK!  We need to be able to take time to just STOP!…relax…take a breath…and enjoy the natural beauty and peace that constantly surround us.

I write this blog because I want to help people find their break.  Through my struggle with anxiety, I’ve found that one of the best ways to control the condition is to actively seek out activities and lengthy amounts of time where I remove the craziness of the modern world from my life and get back to what matters most.  The Bible says, “No man can serve two masters”, and that’s true in life as well.  We seem to know that we need to take control of our lives, but we don’t know how to do so.  This blog is about my search for a more tranquil lifestyle.  I write to help others with a similar desire. 

I find I’m able to mitigate my anxiety symptoms by employing a more tranquil existence.  I strive to maintain a purposeful mindset where I utilize deliberate techniques to control my symptoms, such as mindfulness, meditation, and journaling.  Mindfulness helps us to focus on the present, not an upcoming meeting with the boss or an argument we had with our spouse that morning.  It also helps us to fully enjoy whatever we’re engaging in at that current moment and to make the most of it.  Journaling allows me to relieve the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head in a productive way.  It helps me to view my concerns objectively, and either devise solutions to them or realize they aren’t as concerning as I first thought.   

A peaceful lifestyle helps to lessen anxiety.  This is because the more stressed we become, the lower our tolerance is to handle stressful situations, which increases the likelihood that we’ll feel anxiety regarding them.  In contrast, the calmer we feel, the higher our tolerance to handle stressful situations, and the better adept we’ll be at using coping methods to alleviate any anxiety that results from them.

For myself, tranquility means not constantly feeling hyped up, not constantly dwelling on things to come, or constantly replaying previous conversations in my head.  It means focusing solely on aspects of my life and the world at large that I actually have control over (such as how I respond to circumstances).  For elements of life that we can’t control, worrying about them doesn’t help anyway, so why bother? (To be clear, this is easy to say, but NEVER easy to accomplish in practice.  This is one of those skills I toil with on a daily basis.)

 These practices have led me to a more fulfilling life, a decrease in symptoms of anxiety, and greater control over the disorder.  Writing this blog also helps me return my focus to nature and the things I enjoy.  It helps me focus on positive things and reminds me of the empowering effect of the activities we pursue; how they stretch the bounds of my comfort zone and show me how capable I really am.  I hope by sharing these experiences with others I can be a vehicle to help lead them to a more tranquil, thoughtful, and less anxious experience, as well.

I writ
e the blog as a guidebook of sorts…

Several road maps are piled on top of each other on a table. A "Road Atlas" and maps of "Colorado) and "Wyoming" are prominent.

I also write this blog as a type of guidebook, to share the adventures we’ve had and to assist others who may want to follow in our footsteps (so to speak).  I truly enjoy traveling, the sites we see, and the random hodgepodge of people we meet. 

Since we live in the Black Hills of South Dakota, my posts primarily focus on activities in that area.  However, Mr. Trekker and I are also avid travelers, so I also outline the various journeys we embark on around the country.  The Trekkers engage in an eclectic mix of outdoor activities including hiking, biking, canoeing, exploring 4-wheel-drive roads, car camping, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and road trips, among others.  

I want to encourage others to try activities that are outside their comfort zone, while at the same time giving them practical, useful tips to help make that experience as painless as possible. I want to spark their interest in new activities, but also give them an awareness of what hurdles may lie in their path so that they can embark on their adventures well-prepared.  For those who may be unable to partake of some of these sites, I hope to bring the experience to them, in a sense, through my writing.

To Conclude:

Rear view of a woman walking along a trail through trees in a forest

The techniques listed above have empowered me to take more control of my anxiety.  I don’t put my issues out there to garner pity from others.  Rather, I seek to relate my personal struggles with the disorder, as well as the methods I’ve learned to help control it.  I want this blog to be a place where others can come to acquire these tools for themselves. 

I’ve accepted the fact that my anxiety is a part of me, that it’s something I will, likely, live with for the rest of my life.  But, that doesn’t mean I have to allow it control over my life.  I strive, every day, to reign in those worrisome thoughts and emotions and use them to improve myself.  There will be some tough days.  Sometimes, the anxiety will win.  But that’s just one day.  Life is a marathon, not a sprint!  The sun WILL rise again tomorrow!  So, when we have a bad day, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and press on!

Part of what I love about the outdoors is that nature cuts out the BS.  It takes away our technology and gets us back to basics.  It humbles us as it forces us to acknowledge there are some things in life we can’t control.  Along with that, though, it helps us to understand that some of the things that cause us anxiety aren’t really as threatening as we might first think.  Nature gets us back to our intrinsic roots.  I find that one of the rare times I can truly put my mind and spirit at peace is when I’m engaging with and appreciating the natural world, in all its glory.  I want to share that with others. 

So, some may ask, “why do I write this blog and spend so much time outside?”  To that I answer, “to escape the noise!”

*Ya’ll, I’m telling you, this song is awesome.  If you aren’t familiar with it, I BEG you, go listen to it.  This is three-and-a-half minutes that IS worth your time (the video is pretty cool, too).  For your convenience, I’ve linked to it here.  Pay careful attention to the last couple of shots near the end, see if you notice a common theme…*

I HATE Seasonal Depression!

In this post, I attempt to shed a “sunny” light on the dark days the winter season brings…


We’re currently mired in the midst of dark, winter days here in the northern portions of the northern hemisphere.  Days with little daylight are rough.

 I’ve written previously about my annual struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  It starts hurting somewhere in mid-September, though it really ramps up after the time change in early November (specifically, from the time change through Thanksgiving.)  Usually, once the Holidays are in full swing and I’m excited about Christmas the ache eases a bit.

I was SO THANKFUL, several years ago, when they changed the date clocks fall back to the first Sunday in November instead of the last in October (yes, that week MATTERS).  It meant staving off the worst of the SAD ache for a few more weeks.  

Then, after the Holidays, I start struggling again.  The weather is crappy, the sun is still setting well before 5:00 pm, and most of the sparkling, Christmas lights are gone from the neighborhood, so they no longer offer their break from the seemingly, endless darkness.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) hurts!

Individual people experience varying degrees of severity and symptoms with this disorder.  For me, they’re mostly classified by irritability, emotional sensitivity (I burst into tears easily), the desire to lash out at those around me for daring to engage in the most ghastly of behaviors (such as chewing or swallowing loudly 🤯), or…loud breathing (must people do it CONSTANTLY?! 😉)

For me it isn’t so much a sense of hopelessness or of impending doom, it feels more like incessant PMS (this descriptor won’t be much help to the members of my audience with a Y chromosome. 😂)  I just don’t feel good!  I want to curl up in sweatpants, in the dark, and eat a pound of Doritos with a two-pound bar of Hershey’s, Special Edition, Dark Chocolate as a chaser…and wash it all down with a Big Gulp of Cherry Coke!  

I’m a midwestern girl so, naturally, I think all emotional pain should be solved with food, preferably something of the casserole variety (with main ingredients of cheese, potatoes, or cream of mushroom soup! 🤤)

*I don’t mean to make light of this–admittedly difficult–condition.  I just try not to take myself too seriously.  A little good-natured jesting helps me to keep things in perspective.  Plus they claim it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, and I’m lazy so…😉*

Embrace the dark of winter

In another post I wrote, regarding my disorder, I discuss ways I try to mitigate the “ouch factor” by embracing the darkness.  In that post, I encourage people to seek out the peace and tranquility present in sizable amounts of dark hours.  A good example of this is enjoying the peace that settles over the chilly nights when stars speckle across the dark blanket of sky that drapes across you.  

The Trekkers are fortunate to live in an area of (fairly minimal) light pollution–we can actually see the Milky Way from our backyard on clear nights!  This is even more true if we head out of town to the true darkness the Black Hills proffers.  

You never know what you’ll observe when enjoying the quiet peace of the dark evening.  Owls hooting in the distance, a shooting star, the lost Dominos driver cruising past your house multiple times searching for the correct address…😂  Also, I’ve learned, Mother Nature provides natural refrigeration for your wine if you are outside on those cold nights! 😁   

Rushing the holidays increases stress

During the fall months, when my SAD is usually at its worst, I find the rush to Christmas also increases my stress.  

Now, don’t get me wrong folks, I’m no Grinch, I LOVE Christmas.  There are no “bah humbugs!” coming from the Trekker household!  Mr. Trekker’s ears are usually bleeding from the excess of Christmas music by January 1st. 😂  I LOVE the sparkling decorations; the music and movies (here’s looking at you Clark Griswald!); the food, the parties, and the time spent with family.  I even LOVE the snow (if you’re actually lucky enough to have a white Christmas these days! 😝) 

I just think there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.  Since when does Christmas start in October?  (In the US at least) there is a whole other holiday between that month and “the Jolly Old Elf” people! 😜  November is still Fall!  Leaves are still falling, the deer haven’t finished gorging on the pumpkins on our front stoop yet.  As Sally from Charlie Brown would say, “I haven’t even finished all my Halloween candy!”  Then there’s all the stress and commercialization of the Holidays…  

Why are we always in such a hurry to rush through life?  Why can’t we learn to take each day, week, month (and holiday!) as it comes?  There is a lot of busyness and stress that comes with the Holiday Season.  Can we have a little time to ramp up to it?  And seriously ya’ll, do we really want to rush to the dull, dark days of January?!  REALLY?!  

STOP RUSHING ME!!! 😜 (Straight No Chaser does a GREAT song about this, by the way! 😂) 

Days with little daylight

I don’t know about where the rest of you live, but in western South Dakota, it’s DARK dark by 5:30 for three months of the year, and during the darkest times the sun is down by 4:00. 😜 (If anyone is reading this post in even more extreme latitudes, you have my MOST SINCERE sympathy).  BUT, at least for some of that time, it is starting to get light by 6 am.  That makes dragging my sorry butt out of bed a little easier!  

The good news is, we only have a short time left until the Solstice!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!  While these short days SUCK!, it means the countdown has started.  And now the sparkling lights and festive music of the Christmas Season have arrived in earnest to raise our spirits!

Other Vitamin D3 options:  Nature’s Bounty, Nature Made 2000 IU tablets, NOW softgels, Extra Strength!

Once the Holiday Season is over, January’s dark days come (though they are getting a little shorter!)  Then finally it’s on to February and the sun starts staying up past 5! (My mood usually starts to improve again when we return to more normal daylight lengths.) 

So, until then, get outside as much as you can (or at least sit by a window and enjoy some sun and daylight whenever possible), and don’t forget the Vitamin D3!  

I’m also a fan of fun movies, this is when you pull out the good stuff.  My personal favorites are those with car chases or anything that makes me laugh (they say it’s the best medicine!)  There is absolutely nothing wrong with 12-hour Star Wars or Netflix marathons on cold, dreary days (just open the curtains so you get some daylight!) 🌞

I’ll just be hunkering down here for the next few weeks with my temporary best friends, dreaming of bright sunshine!  A little “woosah!” doesn’t hurt either (and if you haven’t seen Bad Boys 2, I strongly recommend it for a little distraction during these dark days!)  

Heads up ya’ll, the countdown to daylight has begun!

How do you cope during the darkest days of the year?  Tell me about it in the comments!


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Therapy Lamp and Calm App Reviews

I review a light, therapy lamp and an app I use to decrease symptoms of anxiety and seasonal depression.


I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I struggle with general anxiety as well as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and that I prefer behavioral treatment methods over psychotropic medications.  Below are two, non-medication, products that I use regularly and that I find help greatly, a therapy lamp and the Calm app:

Light Therapy Lamp

During the fall and winter, as the daylight wanes, this tool is a must for me (these have been documented to help decrease the symptoms of SAD.)  There are several versions of this device, but this is the specific, light therapy lamp I use several months out of the year.  

You have to be careful which ones you buy as they need to provide at least 10,000 lux of light, the minimum wavelength required to stimulate your brain correctly.  Unfortunately, the good ones aren’t cheap.  The old adage is true, however, “you get what you pay for”.  When you’re experiencing several dark, cloudy days in a row, I find this helps, significantly, so it’s worth the cost.  

Other Vitamin D3 options:  Nature’s Bounty, Nature Made 2000 IU tablets, NOW softgels

This is not a perfect replacement for true sunlight, and it offers no source of Vitamin D3 (I mentioned previously that I enhance my levels with supplements in the winter months).   But, when you’re struggling amid a string of several gray days–and especially when you’re driving both to work and home in the dark 😝–this device helps to brighten up your world a little bit.  

A word of warning, because of the way it stimulates your brain, it can cause sleep disturbances if it’s used too closely to bedtime.  I use it in the morning and evenings, in the kitchen, when I’m preparing meals or doing dishes.  Those are the times I notice the lack of daylight the most and these timeframes don’t affect my sleep habits.  You’re supposed to sit within a certain distance of the lamp, though I find just having it in the same room I’m in and being able to see the light provides relief.

Other therapy lamp choices:  Happy Light Luxe; Happy Light full-size; Happy Light UV-free; Happy Light Alba; Happy Ligh Lumi; Happy Light Compact; Happy Light Touch

The Calm App

Another tool I LOVE (and use throughout the year) is the Calm app, available for Android and IOS.  Several versions of the app exist, including a free, limited version–this is the one I use.  

The app showcases multiple relaxing sounds (including heavy rain, a thunderstorm, waves, and a sunny lake), and white noise options (such as floating clouds or deep space).  These are complemented by animated scenes that are incredibly beautiful to watch.  

The paid versions also offer spoken meditation podcasts and sleep stories.  You can visit the app’s website here or search for it on the App Store.  I cannot recommend this product enough (I’ve gotten Mr. Trekker using it as well! 😁)

If you find yourself struggling with the ever-increasing darkness of the winter season, or just need help calming your mind, check out these products!

Have you ever used these tools?  Tell me about your experiences in the comments!


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A sunlamp sits on a kitchen counter near other kitchen equipment. Pin reads, "Light Therapy Lamp and Calm App Reviews. Two products I use to help with Seasonal Depression."


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Black Elk Peak, Trail #9 (the Difficult, Northern Route)

In this post, I detail our attempts to conquer Trail #9, the difficult/northern route up Black Elk Peak.


Black Elk Peak, formerly Harney Peak, is the highest point in the Black Hills and one of the most sought-after hikes in this area. 

In case you aren’t aware of it (and as I outlined in this post), the name of this mountain changed just a few years ago and they’re still working on updating all the signs and maps.  

There are multiple trail options for getting to the summit.  The most popular route is the southern portion of Trail #9, the Black Elk Peak Trail, that starts at Sylvan Lake.  However, in this post, I’m going to talk about the far less-traveled (and far more difficult) northern portion of this same trail.

It is a little confusing because the names are the same.  Be watchful for this (there are signs!)}  This portion of the trail is actually shorter than the southern route, but it is far steeper, which is why it is more difficult.  

Accessing the Black Elk Peak Northern Route Trailhead

There are a number of ways to access this portion of the trail.  One of the easiest is from the Willow Creek Horse Camp off of Route 244.  You will find it directly across the road from the Mount Rushmore KOA campground (and around six miles west of Mount Rushmore. 

The Willow Creek Trail is an easy and fairly short loop that makes for a great, quick hike.  It is only around two miles in length and you can enjoy it in either direction.  You will need to start on the Willow Creek Trail to reach the Black Elk Peak Trail which branches off about halfway through the Willow Creek loop.   

1st Attempt to Conquer Black Elk Peak, the Hard Way

We’re standing at Black Elk Peak, we’ve been on the trail for five hours, the guidebook we’d consulted said the trail options we chose were only around eight, total miles long.  We now KNOW that can’t be right as our GPS says we’re well over five miles into the hike and we’ve only reached the summit.  It’s 5 p.m. and…it’s starting to drizzle…  

We had used the Lost Cabin trailhead off Palmer Creek Road to ascend the mountain on this attempt.  We weren’t sure if we’d make it the whole way or just turn back at some point, but at lunchtime, we were nearly four miles in and the book had said it was only an eight-mile trek so…this is a lesson in listening to your gut.  When your guidebook (and/or GPS) say one thing, but while looking at the map and using human logic your gut says another…ALWAYS listen to your gut!  😝

Fortunately, it was Memorial Day weekend so we had guaranteed daylight until 8:30 pm or so, and we had headlamps with us. (This was one of the only, true, “uh oh” moments I’ve ever had on a trail.  The thought crossed my mind that we could be facing a long, cold night.).   

We did, eventually, make it down safely, and with daylight remaining.  We even managed to save one set of dry pants, each, to change into when we got back to the car!

After descending this trail in drier conditions, I’m somewhat impressed we made it down as safely and easily as we did.  Water trickles over the large, boulder steps on sunny days, so, on rainy days, it can turn into a veritable river in spots! 

The path is steep and technical enough on its own, in the rain and growing darkness, it can get muddy and slippery very quickly–portions of it literally turn into mini-waterfalls from water running down the slope!  I thank Mr. Trekker for suppressing my tendency to rush…I hate this trail.  😝  

This trail system is a beast!  Mr. Trekker and I almost had a dead limb fall on us on another, nearby trail during a hike a few years ago, on a day that wasn’t particularly windy. 😳

A large tree limb lies across a dirt path that meanders through the woods
This big guy is the one that almost fell on us!
See the limb?  See the trail?  About five minutes before this fell we walked through this area.  We then stopped for some lunch and were startled by the “CRASH!” when it fell!

2nd Attempt to Conquer Black Elk Peak’s North Route

It’s a beautiful, sunny day.  We began hiking fairly early in the morning.  One problem with Trail #9 is its exposure.  It used to be fairly shaded…until the pine beetles had their way.  That and the resultant logging to lessen the danger of falling, dead trees has culminated in A LOT of sun exposure.  Fortunately, a breeze is often present…but not always…  

The heat got the Trekkers on this day (especially me).  I’ve mentioned before that I don’t do well with heat. We made it about halfway to the summit, to the point where it really starts to get difficult.

I call this “the Boulder Section” because you have to clamber across a long length of boulders while negotiating a rather steep incline–this is the section that becomes mini-waterfalls in wetter conditions.

After this section comes the first phase of mind-numbing switchbacks (that’s right, I said FIRST! 😝)  You then proceed to a flatter section, before the final phase of switchbacks, which takes you to the junction with the Black Elk Peak Summit Trail (a short, spur trail).  

About the time we reached the “Boulder Section”, I started suffering from stomach cramps and nausea, similar to what I experienced when I became overheated hiking in Glacier National Park several years ago.  Due to this, we made the wise decision to turn back…have I mentioned that I HATE THIS TRAIL?! 😩  

3rd Attempt…SUCCESS!!!

It’s a, fairly cool, July day (lower 80’s).  Earlier that week we had returned from a 10-day trip to the Colorado High Country that I outlined in these four posts.  Due to hanging out at 8000 – 10,000 feet throughout that trip, we were especially acclimated to the altitude. (Black Elk Peak, at a little over 7000 feet, is not only the highest peak in the Black Hills, but it is also the highest peak in the country east of the Rockies).  I honestly felt in my gut that if I ever hoped to vanquish this monster, this was the time to do it.  All conditions were perfect, we were both feeling great and it was a beautiful day!  

We made it through the easy, early section with no difficulty.  We happily said “hello” to others on the trail, and avoided the occasional “remnant” from horses that had gone before us. 🤥  We reached “the Boulder Section”…my first nemesis.  We conquered that fairly easily as well!  

Then, we reached the first section of switchbacks.  Fortunately, the shade was on our side at that time of the day.  It was starting to hurt…but we made it through.

The next section traverses a ridge that parallels Black Elk Peak, so it is fairly flat.  This is beneficial as it’s also fairly exposed.  

This area affords lovely views of the crags that lord over you from nearby peaks, and the panoramic vistas of the plains to the east (on clear days).  Buzzards soar on the thermals high above your head (waiting for beleaguered hikers to falter? 🤔) There are also several, lovely, lookout points along the way that make for a great break/lunch spot.  We stopped at a couple, both on the trek up and down the mountain.

Rear view of a woman in hiking gear, standing on a large rock, looking out over a mountainous vista, all under a blue sky.

Then…we hit the final section of switchbacks.  Both of us had just started feeling the altitude a bit (we were pushing 7000 feet at that point).  This was the only spot where I started feeling ill.  Fortunately, it was still early afternoon and we were in a shaded, quiet area, so we were able to take some time to rest and recover.  

And then…

…we began our final push…

…as we rounded one, final switchback…

…and crested one, final rise in the trail…

…we saw a brown sign appear in the distance, indicating our destination was just ahead…

…WE HAD MADE IT!!! 😁  

A wooden sign on a wooden post in the woods that reads, "Harney Peak, Tr. 9" and "Sylvan Lake 3.5", both with arrows pointing to the correct direction
My ray of hope, the sign at the top of the trail!

Seriously ya’ll, I almost broke down in tears!  I get emotional now, just thinking about it.  It had taken us three attempts to conquer this beast!

I maintain this is the toughest trail I’ve ever completed in the entire Black Hills.  It has a reputation for being “a doozy”.  It’s long, it’s difficult, it’s exposed, and the weather can change at a moment’s notice.  Fog and rain can seep in, which is an experience unto itself. (You won’t have the grand vistas that you’ll see on clearer days, but the granite columns materializing through the mist create a spooky gloom that is definitely worth experiencing, just watch your footing!)    

Descending the Northern Route of Black Elk Peak

On the way down…we ran out of water (seriously).  With the exception of another difficult trek in Glacier National Park, this almost NEVER happens!  We usually return with a liter or so left in each of our water bladders.  

It was projected to be a fairly cool day and we wanted to limit weight as much as possible– due to the strenuous hike–so we didn’t fill them quite to their max, fill line.  I will NEVER make that mistake, in July, again!  

Fortunately, by the time we ran out, we were only about 1.5 miles from the trailhead, it was all downhill from there and we had reached the easier portion of the trek. (Also, fortunately, a gas station in Hill City, the nearest town, had LARGE Gatorades for sale! 😜


Have I mentioned that I HATE this trail?!  I don’t think I’ve ever said that about a hike before.  I am SO GLAD that we finally beat this brute, but seriously, I don’t know that I’d do it again.  

I may consider it with two cars, one parked at Sylvan Lake so you can take the easy route up, and the other parked at Willow Creek trailhead as descending the hard route isn’t too bad…as long as it isn’t raining. 😝  (Or, find a nice friend who will shuttle you between the two points).  Or I would try ascending the Lost Cabin trail and descending this one again.  

Below are some pics from our day of achievement! 😁 (Thanks, as usual, to Mr. Trekker for some of these!)

View over a forested mountainside with lots of dead trees. At the top of the mountain sits a silhouette of a stone building.
Our first glimpse of the fire tower on the summit!
View over a forested, mountainside vista with lots of dead trees.
My Hills!  You can see the sparseness of the foliage in the foreground.
View over a forested, mountainside vista with lots of dead trees. Flatter plains are in the far background through the haze. Random, rock mountains rise from the surrounding forest.
If you look closely, you can see the plains, far in the distance.  I “think” one of those rock faces is the backside of Mt. Rushmore! 🤔
View through sparse pine trees of large, craggy rocks, all under a clear, blue sky
This view of the nearby crags is on the first set of switchbacks
A standing, dead, tree trunk that has had the bark and most of the trunk chewed/whittled away in the middle, stands in the sparse forest, all under a clear, blue sky
Not really sure what happened here?!  Deer or elk perhaps?  Looks like somebody has been gnawing on it!

Conquer Fear by Reaching your Goals

This trail had beaten us twice before, but we had finally defeated it!  If we hadn’t already been acclimated to the altitude, it may have won again.  This was a personal goal of mine that I had wanted to achieve for years! 

This trail had made me sick, it left me with (several) blisters, it hurt me, it caused lingering anxiety to even think of attempting it again, and it pushed the limits of my endurance.  But…I beat it!  

Reaching this goal was an incredibly empowering, inspiring experience.  This was, truly, my “white whale”.  It’s hard to express my sense of accomplishment for finally completing this hike.  I know others have done it and claim it “isn’t that bad”.  I know it’s not a “14-er”, but so what?  I don’t hike “14-ers”! 😉  This was a personal goal and desire I had set for myself and I had achieved it!  What could be more empowering than that!

I don’t mean to sound like I’m bragging.  My point is just that, each person has their own, personal goals, whether they be to learn a new skill, to conquer a specific challenge, etc.  

Don’t compare yourself to others.  Only be concerned that you push yourself to expand your comfort zone.  It doesn’t matter what the goal is, as long as you strive to achieve it and, perhaps, find a way to trounce a few personal demons along the way.  👊

Have you attempted this trail?  What other difficult goals have you set for yourself and achieved?  Tell me about your experiences in the comments! 


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Rear view of a woman in hiking gear, standing on a large rock, looking out over a mountainous vista, all under a blue sky. Pin reads, "Hiking Black Elk Peak, the Difficult, Northern Route"


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Forest Bathing As Therapy

In this post, I discuss an article that examines nature as a therapeutic tool.


I’m going to try something new with this post.  I’m going to wax philosophical. 😛 (You have been warned!) 😉

I read an article recently called, “Suffering From Nature Deficit Disorder? Try Forest Bathing”.  It spoke to the whole reason I enjoy being out in Nature and why I write this blog, so I thought I’d expound on my thoughts on it (if you’re interested in reading the article, you can do so here.)

The majority of people live in cities

The article cites a recent UN report that states the population of our planet is trending towards urban areas.

As someone who lives in one of the least populated states in the country, this is fine by me.  It means the secluded places we frequent will remain quiet!) 😉  

The reasons the article gives for this trend are that urban areas have more jobs, more cultural opportunities, more choices for activities, and more services in general.

The study also found that due to this trend, the average American spends close to 90% of their lives indoors (which sounds absolutely horrid to me, but I digress).  As many buildings are climate-controlled, this means we’re ingesting a large amount of stale, processed air. (No wonder I gave up cubicle life!)  

The practice of Forest Bathing

The article goes on to describe an ancient tradition for reducing depression and anxiety in Japan called “Forest Bathing”.  This basically means immersing oneself in trees and other greenery for extended periods of time which allows us to get back in touch with our evolutionary roots.

I practice this “natural therapy” regularly.  I suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder, also called Winter Depression).  This means I get depression caused by the lack of sunlight and, consequently, Vitamin D3 deprivation, brought about by the short, winter days that are part of life in the Northern Plains.  

The disorder began to manifest itself for me when we moved to the Black Hills.   Here, the need for daylight during the winter season is at a premium.  The only thing that eases this strain for me, during those dark, winter months, is Vitamin D3 supplements and enjoying Nature (and the sun) as much as possible.  Fortunately, we do not suffer a shortage of sunny days here in western South Dakota.  Leaving an office job behind helped with this, as well!

I’ve mentioned before that I also struggle with anxiety.  I am amazed at how my symptoms are relieved just by going for a walk in the woods–the musky smell of damp earth; the “crunch” of fallen leaves under my feet with every step I take; the warmth of the sun on my skin; the breeze that caresses my face; the quiet roar of snowflakes slowly cascading down around me–all assist in relaxing muscles I hadn’t even realized were tense, to begin with!  It doesn’t hurt that therapy provided by Nature also happens to be completely free!

Forest bathing helps us connect with Nature on a spiritual level

These physical sensations allow us to connect with Nature on an instinctual, almost primal level.  It’s as though our very Beings crave this connection with our most basic beginnings.  

This makes perfect sense.  Humans lived as a part of Nature for millennia; our current fabricated surroundings only being present for a very recent part of our past.  Evolution hasn’t quite caught up to the norms of Modern Civilization yet (personally, I hope it never does).  

For me, this therapy-through-Nature has a spiritual element, figuratively speaking.  It is something that can be experienced by both people of faith and those without, and both can benefit from it.  

Personally, I am spiritual but I am also a very kinesthetic person, so I learn by experiencing things.  This experience, this communion with Nature brought about by physically interacting with it, allows me to appreciate the Creation, and through that to form a lasting bond with and respect for the Creator.

I write this blog because I want to help others find the same peace in Nature that I have discovered.  So, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with the stress and fatigue of everyday life, perhaps a walk in the woods would benefit you!

Your mission for the week (if you should choose to accept it 😉) is to get out and enjoy nature a little bit.  See if the experience is therapeutic for you too!


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Green trees in the foreground with rocky and tree-covered mountains in the background. Pin reads, "Forest Bathing as Therapy"


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Welcome to my blog!

I am a 30-something wife and doggy momma who loves being outside, loves to travel and loves the freedom nature provides.  I feel spiritually renewed when I’m out in the natural world and find that it’s a calming balm to offset hectic, everyday life.  I also struggle with anxiety and find that my love of nature helps to mitigate those symptoms.  This blog is meant to share experiences, provide opportunities to discover new adventures and to help others find peace in the natural world that surrounds us.
